There's something about Sundays that makes it special. Like, its so restful, that on this day, u can sleep and bum and rest the whole day, and you wont feel tired, you wont get the feeling that says, Argh! another day wasted.
Nope, Sunday is official. Spell it r.e.s.t
Which was exactly what i needed.
What a crazy week, what an awesome week too though. But I shall not go into details, hahaha
Anyway, since I am blogging, what's an entry without pictures! Introducing.................................................................................... MY KIDS! Tuition kids that is.
Hahaha, look at how MOTIVATED he is. That's right, i motivate him. Hahahaha
His name is called Desmond. Only Primary 1. ok Next!
Jun Da from China. He was game to take a photo with me. He is super respectful of me! Not like Desmond. Always greet me Lao Shi, and walk me out. Polite eh?
Just Look at that focus! * clap clap clap *
But he's not doing well! I don't understand. I just don't. Ah well, off to the next event! haha
Kelly Chin's BIRTHDAY!
And then, we set out on a perilous journey to Century Square! And contrary to not-as-popular-as-I-would-like belief. It is NOT Square, and NOT a century old.
Hahaha, no no no no * wags finger * dont you dare roll your eyes at me. Hahhahaha!!!
BUT GUESS WHAT!! Argh, the WORSE THING EVER happened when we reached the food court.
Curry Chicken was sold out.
Time stood still. Imagine my surroundings darkening. Not a sound. And an echo sounded out.
" Ah Di Ah, Curry Chicken Mai Wan le. "
Tsk Tsk.
And that was how Saturday had passed. Anyway I just got home from cell group and the message was about Barnabas.
Son of encourager. The message speaks of how we should Always encourage the people aorund us. Which is something I really believe in!
I remember just talking to my brother and telling him how sloppy he looked. I told him, you should sit up, have a good posture and look good! Because when you are outside, people look. Impressions count!
And he went, ahh.. It doesnt matter to me what people think.
Yeah, it shouldn't, and it doesn't! I replied him. But I told him this. It is NOT about what people think of you. When you dress up, when you excel in the things you set your heart upon, when you strive to be the best you can be. You inspire people to do the same. You inspire them to believe that they can be better.
Its not about our own inadequacy. It's about being a candle that brings that flicker of light. Salt that adds flavor to the earth.
I think this quote says it best.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
So that ends my weekend. What a week eh?
Through the seven days though. Friday kinda stood out.
A perfect morning, a perfect afternoon.
It felt like a bubble amidst the craziness of this world.
A wacky new week ahead! Let me be, I pray. The manifestation of God's glory.
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